
A complete archive of everything written here on the site… in case you find a stiff drink isn’t cutting it today.

“Let Me Give You Your Time Back”
You are not giving your employees their time back. It’s still the company’s time, and it’s an overused, patronizing stock phrase anyway!

“Thanks For All Your Help Today”
Saying “thanks for all your help today” to a subordinate is incredibly patronizing. Don’t say this.

Bad Email Subject Lines
Is there possibly anything worse than an email from your boss with a subject line that’s literally just the single word “update” in all lowercase…?

“It’s Nobody’s Fault”
It’s prooooooooobably your fault, chief.

“Looks great!” – the email response that misses important questions
You asked a question. You got no answer back, but hey: at least you know it looks great.

“Can You Send Me This Image?”
There’s an image on a web page. They want you to send it to them. They have never heard of right-clicking.

Sticking to a Meeting Agenda
Make an agenda, share it, stick to it, and don’t write “other?” at the end of it.

Kudos: Recognizing Your Employees, Direct Reports, & Colleagues
When was the last time one of your employees or reports was recognized? By you? By another colleague? In front of other people?

Book Recommendation: Ask Iwata (Also: Interview Your Employees)
Check out the 2021 book Ask Iwata, and learn why you should be interviewing every single one of your employees, hopefully multiple times per year.

Email is Not Private
Contrary to what you may think, email is not private or secure. Assume that anything you write is being read by your supervisor, your employees, your interviewees, your competitors, and your mother.